
Jan 21 2021



If we have long wanted to make us believe that the escort girl was just a flattering presence for the one who had it on his arm, the veil gradually rises on this profession with multiple attributions. Accompanying one evening, companion of a dinner watered, sexual satisfaction at night even going to play the role of girlfriend, what are the limits of the escort-girl?


The blur of the escort girl


A job? Escort girl. A definition? This simple name hides a lot of blurs. Between support, intimate relationships, and prostitution, her working environment is not always very clear. Because being an escort girl is really a job. The escort girl pays taxes and benefits from Social Security just like any employee. With a salary ranging from 80 to 450 euros per hour, it is certain that the motivation remains that of greed. In practice, the escort girl does not hit you, you will not find her on the public road. Its high prices call for a more luxurious clientele, but who, as we would like us to believe, not only want to spend time in the charming company ...


Why register on the site when you are an escort etudiante? 


While EscortE seems at first sight to target female escort etudiante wanting to enlarge their wardrobe, some register, however, because they really have no other way. 
And what are 500 euros for a rich businessman who does not know what to do with his money? 500 euros is, in any case, the price of rent for an apartment of 10 to 12 square meters in Paris. 500 euros is also about two months of racing. Or a substantial help for a paying school. 

500 euros is a lot for a student.  


Last month, a student escort girl revealed through her school newspaper that she was in fact a porn star, " Silvia" and that this double life helped her to pay for her studies ... Silvia is 23 years old. In an interview for Playboy magazine, she admitted, "The fact that the only real options are to take out a huge student loan, not to go to graduate school, or to join the sex industry is really speaking. "There is a gap between what the middle class can pay and what they are asked to pay, and we must also stop seeing debt as a solution to the problem of our education system ."



Girlfriend Experience


The escort girl is beautiful, she does not recoil on the sidewalk, giving men the impression of offering a luxury service. Some are even willing to pay a high price to overcome their emotional and sexual loneliness. They want more, they seek the sentimental illusion. We are talking about the Girlfriend Experience. The escort girl no longer satisfies simply by her presence or by her body, but she enters the skin of the escort etudiante girlfriend of the one who pays for it. Largely remunerative, it is no longer the simple restaurant table or hotel bed that is shared, but rather the life of a man. It remains to be seen where the escort girl's duties end and when the game becomes too dangerous.